Sunday, March 29, 2015

More Love

In Luke 7:36-50 Jesus gives us a beautiful illustration of the power of His love at work in an individual.  The Lord sits down to a fancy dinner at a Pharisee's house, and a woman of low reputation finds Him, washes His feet with her tears, and dries His feet with her hair. 
The Pharisee is unmoved by her display of contrition, and uses the occasion to doubt our Lord's authenticity as a great teacher and prophet.  Jesus turns this around on him however, and points out that this lady's overwhelming remorse for her misdeeds and her deep love and trust in Jesus has brought about a remarkable transformation in her soul.  He turns to her and says, "Your sins have been forgiven"

Keep in mind that according to the narrative she never even asked for forgiveness, but her actions spoke louder than words.  Naturally, the other guests at dinner grumbled, "Who is this who even forgives sins?"

This woman is a type of every human ever born--she is what we could become if we are filled with the purity of Jesus and His Holy Spirit.  Have you washed His feet with your tears and dried His feet with your hair today?

We need to love Messiah deeply and receive His forgiveness and the truth of His life eternal.  This will please the Father.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Brand new--Song of Moses (a worship masterpiece) now available on iTunes! Mixed and mastered at Oak Street Studios in Elmhurst, IL

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Jew and Gentile One in Messiah part 2

We are a peculiar people unto the Lord--I believe that scripture tells us the end-time church "is" the Messianic church. If you are a believer, stay the course. If you are a pre-believer, please consider accepting Yeshua as your Lord and Savior today

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Beware the wisdom of man

Beloved Believers–beware of any “ism” that comes from the world. Scripture tells us that HaSatan the adversary and accuser of the brethren temporarily makes his home on this Earth. He likes to use the minds and voices of those who resist Messiah to help enslave mankind in sin.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Righteous Gentile

Andy is a Messianic Gentile who worships weekly with his Messianic brothers and sisters--his music is dedicated to lifting the name of Yeshua and advancing the cause of Messianic Judaism worldwide.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

We give ministry financial support

The composer gives financial support to the following Messianic Ministries:
1-Discovering the Jewish Jesus
2-Jews for Jesus
3-Jewish Jewels
4-Zola Levitt Ministries (Myles and Kathy Weiss)
5-Temple Shalom Yishrael
Please consider supporting my ministry by purchasing my CD "For Yeshua" on iTunes